Some documents for the S3 level in ICT.

Official syllabus:

It is the 2014 syllabus which is available at the following link.


Some of the documents shared in this section have been reproduced thanks to documents shared by other colleagues. Let them be thanked for eternity (and beyond). It is not easy to always create works ex nihilo, and their help was more than valuable.

  * Work1: La représentation des textes enrichis / The representation of enriched texts (fichier Français / English file).
  * Vous pouvez télécharger l'exercice 1 : TP1_Exemple_FR.html.
  * You can download the 1st exercise: TP1_Example_EN.html.

  * End of Work1.
  * Work2: Structurer ses pages HTML / Structure your HTML pages (fichier Français / English file).

  * Work3: Tableaux en HTML / Arrays in HTML (fichier Français / English file).
  * Vous pouvez télécharger l'exemple : TP3_Table_FR.html.
  * You can download the example: TP3_Table_EN.html.

  * Test (by groups of 2): fichier Français / English file.
  * Test grading grid.

  * Correct your errors in your test (by groups of 2).

  * Work4: Tableaux en HTML (avancés) / Arrays in HTML (advanced) (fichier Français / English file).
  * Vous pouvez télécharger l'exemple : TP4_Table_FR.html.
  * You can download the example: TP4_Table_EN.html.

  * Teacher is sick: no course.

  * Work5: Images en HTML / Images in HTML (fichier Français / English file).
  * Vous pouvez télécharger l'exemple : TP5_Image_FR.html.
  * You can download the example: TP5_Image_EN.html.

  * Projet de 4 semaines en HTML / 4 weeks project in HTML (fichier Français / English file).

  * Présentations orales des projets / Oral presentations of your projects.
  * Project grading grid.

  * Reeborg's World:
  * Click on the link ``Reeborg's world'' on the homepage, then help Reeborg do what is required in the first worlds (click on ``World Info'' to understand what is asked) by adding commands in the ``Python Code'' box (commands can be chosen thanks to ``Reeborg's keyboard'').
  * The goal is to have a look at the ``Home'', ``Around'' and ``Harvest'' worlds (with a code as small as possible, and generic if possible!).

  * Test (by groups of 2): instructions.

  * Christmas EEB1 logo: please download the school logo and modify it to add some Christmas spirit (gifts, deers, christmas tree, Santa Claus...). Send your result to my email address.

  * Lego Robots Wedo: Lego webpage.

  * Lego Robots Wedo: working with Dancing Birds ; direct link to building instructions.

  * Lego Robots Wedo: working with Airplane Rescue ; direct link to building instructions.

  * Lego Robots Wedo: working with Hungry Alligator ; direct link to building instructions.

  * Lego Robots Wedo: checking all the parts.

  * Lego Robots Wedo: formative assessment (direct link to building instructions for Dancing Birds, for Airplane Rescue, for Hungry Alligator and for Roaring Lion).

  * DJI RobotMaster S1: Video Tutorials Webpage.
  * RobotMaster App for Android: RoboMaster_V1.2.0_382_Signed.apk.
  * Goal of this tutorial course: make the robot follow a line (red, green, blue) even if the line is changing colors from time to time.

  * Project: sorting cards.
  * Each group of 4 students is given 32 cards, labelled from 1 to 32.
  * 1) Try to devise an algorithm to sort those cards after they are randomized.
  * 2) Try to evaluate how much time it takes? How much space it takes?
  * 3) How would algorithm work if I gave you cards labelled from 1 to 500?
  * 4) How would algorithm work if I gave you any number of cards with any kind of labellings (for instance I still give you 500 cards, but you are not sure what is the biggest number written on them, and if you see a card labelled 300 and another one labelled 332, you're not sure whether there are cards in between or not)